Blu-Disc Studio: return to "top menu" on my player's remote

Blu-ray and UHD Authoring
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Blu-Disc Studio: return to "top menu" on my player's remote

Post by ciccio »


I just created my first blu-ray disc with BDS.

This disc has 4 movies and 5 different menus (Main and 4 others) and I setup first menu (Main) as first play object. I setup Main menu as end action for each movie.

All works perfectly on my blu-ray player except top menu button: if I press it on my blu-ray player's remote (I use Samsung player and DuneHD player as a test), for example when I play a movie, to return to main menu (at this moment I don't use pop-up menu), I get "Cannot execute" error message from Samsung or DuneHD player.

I tried to read your documentation but I haven't found any useful information about this problem: can you help me?

Thanks in advance


Alexey Kolesnikov
Posts: 475
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Re: Blu-Disc Studio: return to "top menu" on my player's rem

Post by Alexey Kolesnikov »

Hi Alessandro!

Top menu is not available yet in release version. It's available in beta versions.
Best regards,
Alexey Kolesnikov

Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:56 pm

Re: Blu-Disc Studio: return to "top menu" on my player's rem

Post by ciccio »

Thanks Alex,

I will try beta version for "top menu".

Just another question: can I create a menu with "play all" button?

For example I just created a disc with 2 movies and I would like to create a menu with three buttons (for example): play all, play movie1, play movie2.

I don't know how to create "play all" button (i.e. a button to play movie1 and then automatically movie2): I know a possible solution is to create (movie1+movie2) movie but I would not to waste space on disc.

Thanks in advance

Alexey Kolesnikov
Posts: 475
Joined: Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:03 pm

Re: Blu-Disc Studio: return to "top menu" on my player's rem

Post by Alexey Kolesnikov »

"Play all" cannot be created at this time. We plan to add it in the near future.
Best regards,
Alexey Kolesnikov

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