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Menus not appearing on screen

Posted: Wed May 08, 2024 9:29 am
by AlanBell1975
Good morning,

I have recently built a disc with multiple menus. When the user presses the right or left button the menu changes automatically (there are 11 menus in total in a loop).

When testing the disc on a Sony player, 50% of the menus didn't load, just the button highlights appeared. I tried the same disc on a Panasonic player and PlayStation and all the graphics were in place as intended. I went back to the project and replaced all the images that did not appear on my Sony player. After rebuilding the disc everything is now as it should be.

In theory I should be happy that this issue has been solved. However, I'm concerned if I try the disc on a different brand of player the problem may still be occurring. Obviously, I don't feel comfortable sending the project to replication. I'm assuming this was caused by a Java issue with my Sony player. Can you shed any light on this?


Re: Menus not appearing on screen

Posted: Wed May 08, 2024 4:28 pm
by Alexey Kolesnikov
Hi Alan,
1. Which version are you using?
2. Could you send me the original project, that does not load all images? I need complete project, but without video/audio - please use menu File -> "Save complete project as..."

Re: Menus not appearing on screen

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 12:25 pm
by AlanBell1975
Hi Alexey,

Thanks for getting back to me.

I'm using Blu-Disc Studio MX Pro I replaced the images and saved over the original project. This solved the issue but I would expect you will no longer be able to detect where the problem occurred.

Let me know if it's worth sending the project. Thanks for your support.


Re: Menus not appearing on screen

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 1:34 pm
by Alexey Kolesnikov
Hi Alan,

If you still have a project that reproduces an issue - I can take a look. If no - the only thing that I have in mind that can give such side effect is dynamic load (I wouldn't recommend using it for production).

Re: Menus not appearing on screen

Posted: Fri May 17, 2024 9:57 am
by AlanBell1975
Hi Alexey,

The images were 'Split into separate files'. Like I said I no longer have the project in the faulty state but thanks for taking the time in getting back to me.
