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IG Editor version 2.0 released!

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:43 pm
by Valery Koval
Dear users!

I am happy to notify that IG Editor version 2.0 released!

We considered users opinions after first release of IG Editor and made improvements to IG Editor.
Now BD interactive menu construction is easier and faster then in first version.

Changes in IG Editor v2:

1. PSD Update function for DoStudio format PSD.
2. PSD Update function for Scenarist format PSD.
3. Effects wizard, allows create effects in few seconds.
4. Interactive help for commands in commands editor.
5. Commands wizard for easy commands/parameters editing.
6. "Link to button" function, allows set next button link by mouse.
7. Added menu buffer calculation function.

Upgrade price from version 1.4 to version 2.0 is $300.

You can use this link for upgrade request:

Or this link for new Demo version request:

Official website:

Best regards,
Valery Koval.

Re: IG Editor version 2.0 released!

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:28 pm
by Valery Koval
IG Editor version 2.1 released.

Changes in IG Editor v2.1:

1. Improved and fixed bugs in Effects wizard.
2. Improved and optimized "Update PSD" function.
3. Added real time buffer calculation.
4. Improved help system.

Best regards,
Valery Koval.

Re: IG Editor version 2.2 released!

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 9:53 am
by Valery Koval
Dear users!


We considered users opinions after first release of IG Editor v2 and
made several improvements to IG Editor.
This is free update for all users of IG Editor version 2.X.

Changes in IG Editor v2.2:

1. Buffer calculation is more accurate now.
2. Navigation commands compilation button gives signal to user.
3. PSD update function optimized.

Upgrade price from version 1.X to version 2.2 is $300.

You can use this link for upgrade request:

Or this link for new Demo/Full version request:

Official IG Editor website:

Best regards,
Valery Koval.